pDV05.0_pEF1a-iRFP720 BioVector®哺乳动物近红外荧光表达质粒-BioVector NTCC质粒载体菌株细胞蛋白抗体基因保藏中心Plasmid #200407
- 价 格:¥19850
- 货 号:BioVector®200407
- 产 地:北京
- BioVector NTCC典型培养物保藏中心
- 联系人:Dr.Xu, Biovector NTCC Inc.
电话:400-800-2947 工作QQ:1843439339 (微信同号)
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pDV05.0_pEF1a-iRFP720 BioVector®哺乳动物近红外荧光表达质粒
-BioVector NTCC质粒载体菌株细胞蛋白抗体基因保藏中心
Plasmid #200407
Expresses iRFP720 constitutively in mammalian cells
pDV05.0: This is likely a designation specific to the laboratory or research group that created this plasmid. It might indicate the version or a specific characteristic of the plasmid.
pEF1a: This likely refers to the promoter used to drive expression of the gene inserted into the plasmid. The pEF1a promoter is a strong and widely used promoter in mammalian cells.
iRFP720: This is likely the name of the gene inserted into the plasmid. iRFP720 is a far-red fluorescent protein, meaning it emits light in the far-red region of the spectrum.
What this plasmid likely does:
This plasmid is designed to express the iRFP720 protein in mammalian cells. When transfected into cells, the pEF1a promoter will drive the transcription of the iRFP720 gene, leading to the production of the iRFP720 protein. This protein will then fluoresce in the far-red region, allowing researchers to visualize and track cells or cellular processes.
BioVector NTCC质粒载体菌株细胞蛋白抗体基因保藏中心
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