首页 » Mucispirillum schaedleri strain菌株菌种 BioVector NTCC质粒载体菌种细胞基因保藏中心

Mucispirillum schaedleri strain菌株菌种 BioVector NTCC质粒载体菌种细胞基因保藏中心

  • 价  格:¥98685
  • 货  号:Mucispirillum schaedleri strain菌株菌种
  • 产  地:北京
BioVector NTCC典型培养物保藏中心
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Mucispirillum schaedleri strain菌株菌种 BioVector NTCC质粒载体菌种细胞基因保藏中心
Mucispirillum schaedleri
Cat No.: BAA-1009

Mucispirillum schaedleri Robertson et al. 2005, sp. nov. (Type species of the genus.)
Type strain: HRI I17 = ACM 5223 = ATCC BAA-1009.
Sequence accession no. (16S rRNA gene) for the type strain: AY387670.
Etymology: N.L. gen. n. schaedleri, of Schaedler, in honour of Russell Schaedler, one of the pioneers in the study of the bacteria of the intestinal tract of mammals.

The mammalian gastrointestinal tract is covered by a layer of mucus that can harbour a range of bacterial species specifically adapted to colonize this ecological niche. Examination of 110 bacterial isolates cultivated from the gastrointestinal tract of 23 mice revealed the presence of a subgroup of 30 isolates that did not correspond genetically with genera commonly associated with this site, i.e. members of the e-Proteobacteria such as Helicobacter and Campylobacter species. Instead this group of isolates was found to lie within the phylum Deferribacteres, a completely distinct lineage in the domain Bacteria. There was a high level of consensus in results obtained from the phenotypic and genotypic characterization of a number of the isolates, which showed they were distinct from other members of the Deferribacteres. As such, they are proposed to constitute a new genus and species, Mucispirillum schaedleri gen. nov., sp. nov. These organisms are anaerobic, Gram-negative, spiral-shaped rods with bipolar flagella. The type strain is HRI I17T (=ATCC BAA-1009T =ACM 5223T ).

Medium 260: Trypticase soy agar/broth with defibrinated sheep blood
Growth Conditions
Temperature: 37°C
Atmosphere: Anaerobic; moist conditions
Propagation Procedure
1. This organism is shipped frozen in dry ice. Just prior to use, thaw vial in water at approximately 37oC.
When thawed, a drop of the suspension may be used to do an immediate wet mount to observe the unique
morphology of this organism and verify its viability by checking for motility.
2. Aseptically transfer the thawed suspension into a fresh #18 broth (35
ml). Mix well. This suspension can
now be used to inoculate agar slant(s), plate(s), or the preferred biphasic culture. Two #260 plates should
be inoculated, one for anaerobic growth and the second for aerobic growth. No growth should occur on the
plate incubated aerobically.
3. To obtain a biphasic culture, add 0.6 ml of the suspension to a # 260 slant. The resulting pool at the bottom
of the slant is where the best, most rapid growth will occur.
4. Incubate the broth tubes, slants, and plates at 37oC under anaerobic conditions. You may use an anaerobe
jar with catalyst and gas generator pack or other suitable means of producing anaerobic conditions. Be sure
caps are loosen to facilitate gas exchange. Incubate aerobic blood plate aerobically at 37oC.
5. Within 35
days, good growth should be obtained in the broth pool at the bottom of the slant. Additional
incubation may be required for colonies to appear on agar plate. Further subcultures can be made using the
broth pool as the inoculum source. Subcultures to biphasic cultures will require only 24 to 48 hours of
incubation for good growth.

Always use freshly prepared prereduced media or prereduced media that has been previously prepared but stored under anaerobic conditions.

【Supplier来源】BioVector NTCC Inc.
【Website网址】 http://www.biovector.net

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